ATEX Mechanical (Non-Electrical) Certification

QVC can issue Notified Body Certificates for the following services:

  • Technical Guidance
  • Technical File Storage as per ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU
  • Technical File Storage along with adequacy check and Review of Ignition Risk Assessment as per ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU
  • Issue of Unit Verification Certificate as per Annex IX of ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU

Over a period of time, both manufacturers and end users request greater involvement of third party accredited certification bodies in the compliance process.

Certification of Mechanical (non-electrical) Equipment requires the following steps to be followed:

  • Evaluation of the potential ignition sources of the equipment by performing a thorough Ignition Risk Assessment as per ISO/EN 80079-36.
  • Identification of the equipment risks,
  • Implement migratory measures or prevent ignition by applying appropriate protection concepts to the ignition sources.
  • Select the appropriate conformity assessment route,

Contents of Technical File:

  • General Description of the Equipment
  • Design and Manufacturing Drawings
  • Ignition Risk as per standard ISO 80079-36
  • Checklist to demonstrate compliance to Essential Health and Safety Requirements (EHSR)
  • Design Calculations
  • Test results/reports
  • Calibration records for test equipment
  • Inspection Plans to demonstrate effective Internal Production Control
  • Product Label/,marking drawings
  • Declaration of Conformity

Relevant Standards and Testing Service

We can perform the testing as per the following relevant standards

  • EN/IEC 60079-0
  • EN/IEC 60079-1
  • EN/IEC 60079-2
  • EN/ISO 80079-36
  • EN/ISO 80079-37

Fast and effective Ex Certification

As our experience Certification Bodies and Notified Bodies are very busy now a days and often have lead times of 12-30 weeks before they actually can start your project. Quoted certification times are typically 12 weeks, but this is on the ‘assumption’ that the product and the certification drawings are fully compliant with the Standards they are certified to, for a product being Ex Certified for Europe. This can be over ten different Standards. When products don’t comply, the certification  process is held up, and on average, certification typically takes over 6-9 months. The only way to get fast Ex certification is to submit the project for certification with no non-compliances and the correct drawing and documents required for certification.

Our Experts are available at your service 24×7 to reduce the timelines and unwanted delays.

Your Benefits At A Glance

With our comprehensive solutions for explosion protection you can:

  • Ensure product safety and compliance with occupational health and safety requirements worldwide.
  • Reach full compliance and certification prior to product placement.
  • Gain competitive advantage and greater market access with certification marks from an international Notified Body.
  • Tools used for Easy Access of database, reducing waiting time for documents to be transferred between agencies through conventional methods.
  • Significantly reduce approval time and cost by using harmonized standards and common test protocols.
  • Reduce risk of company liability with documented safety standards.
  • Benefit from our exclusive one-stop-shop service, covering a wide range of international certification from a single source.
  • Count on ATEX experts to ensure compliance with the European directive and national regulations Our solution
  • QVC offers an ATEX certification service for any type of business and industrial sector: agriculture, food, chemical, petrochemical, industrial, warehousing, manufacturing, battery charging stations, among others.